The weather is unpredictable
and uncontrollable, yet weather conditions are a powerful determining factor for crop yield.

Farmers lack the tools
to contend with the volatility of the weather, preventing them from tapping into the full economic potential of their fields.

Temporal Ag primes crops
with the knowledge to survive and thrive during stress, enabling farmers to maximize production, no matter what Mother Nature throws at them.
Our Vision
Cultivating Stability
What if the weather was not a limiting factor? At Temporal Ag, we envision a world where farmers can maximize the agricultural output from each plant regardless of the weather. We enable growers to proactively respond to their environment in real-time to resist environmental stress, increasing agricultural yields and improving crop quality. By giving temporal control over crop production to farmers rather than Mother Nature, we can decouple weather from yield and alter the landscape of global agriculture .

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